Best movie

 Hi everyone,

Today I'll share with you one of my favorites movies that I have seen, the name is Perfect Sense. This movie is contextualized in a pandemic world, when people lost sensory perception, like vision, smell, touch and taste. All of that is wrapped by love and differents emotions. 

The love is between two protagonist, a chef (Michael) and a scientist (Susan) interpreted by Ewan McGregor and Eva Green. They fall in love in a hopeless world, they lost everything. The last lost sense is the vision, but they can be together even that, transcending for love. 

I`m not fanatic of love films, but this one make me feel and think about the human feeling, the strong that can be. That movie is a speculative disaster that feels simultaneously poetically symbolic and eerily authentic at same time, and makes more sense at this time, eve though we aren`t in the same worlds, we are living times of pandemic, making thinks about the world. 

That is all for today, I hope you watch the movie,  have a good week. 



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