Hi everyone, 

My best holidays I have had was in Cuba. I went there on winter vacation in 2014 with my family -parents and brother-. We went to La Habana and Varadero for two weeks. 

My father loves Cuba, he went there 2 times before so he knew about the places and people. One of the thing we did most in La Habana was walk the streets, talk with people, go to bars and listen to music -there are so many musicians-. Varadero was more relax, we were in the beach and rest so much. 

Those were my best holidays because that is a magical and amazing country. The views are so beautiful and they have lovely people, you can learn so much with them and it was a trip we took as a family, we sharing memories together. 

I took differents pictures there:

I hope one day I could go there again but now to study. 
This is all I can show you for today, have a nice week! :)


  1. i traveled to cuba the same year than you, La Havana its so beautiful i not met all the places there, i hope back there.

  2. I think that Cuba it'sone of the most intresting countrys of all Latin America on many levels. Hope you can follow your dream and study there!

    Nice pics by the way!

  3. I would love to go to Cuba! a beautiful place with history. I imagine that your people are very friendly, I know some and they are wonderful


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